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Why Every Website Needs an SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates perform two core functions for websites and their visitors - encryption and identity validation - and both are essential to gaining trust and, ultimately, conversions.

Encryption is more than just best practice, it’s the new standard.

If you are shopping for an SSL certificate, you are probably already aware that the major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. are moving towards making HTTPS and encrypted connections a requirement for all webpages, not only e-commerce websites and those with forms, logins, search or text fields.

Back in February 2018 Google officially announced a July deadline, after which web pages that are still serving unencrypted HTTP connections will elicit a “Not Secure” warning that’s presented to its visitors. Starting July 2018, Chrome will start universally alerting visitors on HTTP web pages that are not secure. The world’s most popular browser tagging your website as “Not Secure” can hurt your bottom line and reputation, so getting an SSL in place is more important now than ever.

The push by browsers to make universal encryption mandatory means every page of a website will need to be encrypted with SSL to protect all data (e.g., search requests, form submissions, ect.), not merely ecommerce and login data, that’s being transmitted. Encryption will also be necessary to avoid negative warnings from browsers that have the power to send prospective customers packing. Industry research shows that fewer than 2% of visitors will proceed past an “untrusted connection” message, and only 3% will provide credit card/payment details without the padlock icon. HTTPS has become essential to garner the trust needed to do business online, and keep visitors on your website engaging with your content.

Major Benefits Beyond Just Encryption

In addition to keeping your website compliant with industry changes, safeguarding data and engendering visitor trust, there are numerous other benefits - significant ones - that come with SSL adoption, including:

Improved website performance — HTTPS speeds up page loads to deliver a great visitor experience.

Increased search engine visibility — Google rewards websites that serve every page via an encrypted HTTPS connected with as much as a 5% boost in search engine rankings, making you more visible and competitive.

Reduced shopping cart abandonment — A top concern of online shoppers, given rising online fraud, is falling prey to an imposter website or phishing scam. SSL certificates require validation before issuance and prominently indicate when a site is secure, giving customers the confidence they need to complete a purchase.

Improved conversion rates — Bizrate reports 69% of online shoppers look for websites that display trust symbols - and trust is a requirement for conversions, whatever your website goals. Trust symbols may be badges from credible organizations such as the BBB, or a trusted brand like Google and it’s “Google approved” logo, but some of the most recognizable ones are the green lock in the address bar and SSL security seals. These visual indicators can help visitors to trust your web presence, and ultimately, transact.

Leverage the latest innovations — HTTP/2 is the first big revision to the outdated HTTP network protocol and is designed to make the internet both faster and safer. All the major browsers require a website to have SSL in place to unlock these advantages.

Enable must-have mobile features — The most in-demand mobile features, including geo-location, device orientation, fullscreen, microphone and camera, are only enabled over secured HTTPS sessions.

Gain a competitive edge — The level of SSL Certificate you choose can be a differentiator that motivates some visitors to do business with you over your competitors. The most prominent example of this is an EV Certificate, its green address bar displaying your commitment to security front and center.

Avoid phishing attacks — It might be easy for cybercriminals to squeak by domain validation and fool unsuspecting visitors with “Secure” in the address bar, but the Extended Validation (EV) process is designed to ensure only the “good guys” are approved.

Increase the open rates of your emails — Gmail, the second most used email client worldwide, now shows a red open padlock icon to make the recipient aware that the sender did not encrypt the message. Encrypting your email servers, in addition to your website domain, can help your communications and marketing efforts get seen.

With the browser community having the power to both set and enforce standards, the web is now on course towards 100% encryption, transitioning web traffic from potentially insecure HTTP to the safer HTTPS protocol. The time for HTTPS is now, not when your website visitors begin to ask questions, or worse, take their business to a competitor. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish online, we’ve got the right SSL solution for you and are standing by to help.

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