Meta Tags

Free feature for Domain Parking, Domain Forwarding and Domain Gripping services.

Meta tags are special HTML tags within a web page that contain text which is used by software systems such as web browsers and search engines rather than by people viewing the page. Meta tags are particularly important to search engines as they influence the listing position of your site or page within the search results. has devised an automated method for customers to specify title, description and keywords for parked or gripped pages to increase the success of the web page to be found by search engines. To add meta tags to your parked or gripped page, login to account and simply open the "Websettings" folder for your domain name and you will see the following form:

Although meta tags help improve your positioning on many search engines, remember that simply filling in meta tags does not submit your site to search engines. You must also submit your web site to individual search engines or use a search engine submission service.

This FREE and OPTIONAL feature is available to all domain names using's free domain parking service (under construction pages; business card pages; domain for sale pages) and domain gripping service.

How to use Meta Tags

Meta tags contain information about a web page but are designed to be used by computer programs such as Search Engines and web Browsers, rather than by people. It is important to have a good understanding of how each of the meta tags works, because the programs that use them often display the contents to people through search results pages - and the quality of your meta tags can affect your position in the search engines.


The TITLE Meta tag is used by many Web browsers to display the title of the page in the browsers title bar. For example:

The title is also used by most search engines as the title of the search result:

It is also one of the crteria for page ranking (how high your page will appear in the search results), so try to ensure your title is clear, concise and uses relevant words.


The DESCRIPTION Meta tag is most often used by Search engines as the summary description of your page. Different search engines display a different number of characters, but as a rule, you should try to keep your description to below 150-200 characters, with the most important message in the first 100 characters.

If the description meta tag is not included, some search engines often use the text from the web page itself, which may not accurately convey a summary of your message, while others will not display anything at all.


Keywords are used by search engines to determine your page rank. Keywords should be seperated by commas and may include both single words and short phrases eg: "domain, registrar, domain registrar". Many search engines will penalize you for repeating the same word over and over, so its a good idea to look at some of the instructional resources available on sites such as and when compiling your keyword list.

It is important to remember that simply filling in the meta tags does not submit your site to the search engines. You must visit the search engines to submit your page, or use a search engine service.


Here are the values that the uses in its meta tags on the home page.

Title: Canadian Domain Registrar

Description: Inc.'s mission is to continue to be the leading provider of .CA domain names and be a full-service, one-stop shopping venue for other Top Level Domain registration and value-added services.

Keywords: domain name canada, ca domain name, ca domain, canadian domain name, canadian domain registration, ca domain registration, domain registration canada, canadian domain name registration, canada domain registry, domain name registration canada, domain name canada register, register domain canada,register canadian domain name, domain name .ca, ca domain name registration, cheap domain name registration, domain name registration service, low cost domain name registration,webhosting canada, canadian webhosting, affordable webhosting in canada,canadian hosting,canada hosting nt, canada affordable webhosting,

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