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.link domain name

What is the .link generic Top Level Domain Extension?

Every day, we click on a link to find information, to send information and to connect with one another. To find this page, you also clicked on a link.

With the amount of links we see and the number of links we click on everyday, links are getting their very own domain with the .link gTLD.

If you plan on using a .link domain, you will have to be creative in how you send it out. For personal websites, simply calling it as will work perfectly and is a simple way of getting your name out there.

For businesses that already have an established website, a possible use for the .link gTLD is to use as as link shortener tool. If you frequently visit social media, chances are that you've seen tons of links being shared. You see domains like, or even Well, with a .link domain you use the domain to shorten URLs and even use it as a service.

Businesses that have link as part of their name can also use .link to re-brand or establish a stronger online presence by using YourBusiness.LINK as your website's address.

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