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.forex domain name

What is the .forex generic Top Level Domain extension?

The new .forex domain extension is the namespace for professionals online. Before the launch of .forex, foreign exchange professionals had to choose a .com domain name for their website, but that also meant having to compete against thousands of other websites. With the new .forex domain, it's easier than ever for foreign exchange professionals, financial institutions, banks and more to benefit from better visibility on the web.

The .forex domain also makes it clear what your website is all about. Unlike other extensions, .forex clearly conveys what the purpose of your website is.

Who can use .forex?

.forex domain names are perfect for any professional or institution that actively trades in foreign currencies. Because of the highly technical expertise required to be successful in the forex sector, a lot of newcomers often search for tips online. With a .forex domain, it’s easier to tell people looking for your foreign exchange tips what your website is all about.

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