Child Account: Begins Accepting Pre-Orders for Fourteen New Domain Extensions

Vancouver, British Columbia – (December 5, 2013) –, Canada’s original domain registrar and a leading provider of web solutions in Canada, is pleased to announce the launch of fourteen new generic Top Level Domain extensions. is now accepting pre-orders to register domain names under the new gTLDs.

“We’re calling it the Domain Explosion with the launch of over 1000 domains over the next months to few years” said Co-Founder, President & CEO, Cybele Negris. “New domain extensions like .BLOG or .INC, names that were previously unavailable to individuals and organizations will open up new possibilities and offer better branding opportunities online”.

The new domain extensions were launched in two batches: .BIKE, .CLOTHING, .GURU, .HOLDINGS, .PLUMBING, .SINGLES and .VENTURES on November 26th, 2013, while .CAMERA, .EQUIPMENT, .ESTATE, .GALLERY, .GRAPHICS, .LIGHTING and .PHOTOGRAPHY on December 3rd, 2013.

Each of the new domain extensions will have unique characteristics that represent different interest groups, organizations, professions, industries and communities. “The explosion of domain names will revolutionize how individuals, organizations and businesses express themselves online. Domain extensions like .GALLERY or .GRAPHICS can help designers gain more exposure online while bike enthusiasts will be able to express their passion through the .BIKE domain” said Ms. Negris “As more new domains are launched, businesses will be able to find the perfect name that is most relevant to their business.”

Prior to general availability of the fourteen new domains, each extension will begin a 60-day priority period exclusive to trademark holders but is now accepting pre-orders for the new domain extensions.

Pre-ordering for a new domain name can be made through and customers will only be charged if their domain registration is successful. “Customers can now pre-order for any of the new domain extensions. There is no up-front cost to place a pre-order and customers will only be charged if the domain is successfully acquired for our customers” said Ms. Negris.

General availability of the new domain extensions are; January 29, 2014 for the first batch and February 5, 2014 for the second batch.

Trademark holders that want to protect their trademarks and brands are advised to participate during the Sunrise Period for each domain. The Sunrise Period is a priority period where trademark holders can register domain names that match their trademarks. Participating in each Sunrise Period requires validating trademarks through the Trademark Clearinghouse, which may take up to 34 days. Trademark holders that successfully validate their trademarks will receive a Signed Mark Data (SMD) file as proof of the trademarks “use” standard. recommends submitting as early as possible before the Sunrise Period ends on January 24, 2014 for the first batch and January 29, 2014 for the second batch. Domain name registrations during the Sunrise Period for each of the fourteen new domain extensions will be on auction basis. This will provide enough time for trademark holders to submit their domain registrations, provided that their trademark has been successfully validated.

Trademark holders that have already gone through the process of validation prior to the launch are able to submit their domain registrations now by searching for the desired domain name and uploading their SMD file when prompted.

Trademark holders can validate their trademark information by visiting Trademark Clearinghouse and submit their domain name registrations by visiting and opting to participate in the Sunrise Period.

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