Uploading Content Using FTP

To publish a website using FTP:

  1. Connect to your webspace on the server with an FTP client program, using your FTP account username and password.
    1. The FTP address is ftp.yourdomainame.ca where yourdomain.ca is your actual domain name.
    2. Enable the passive mode if you are behind a firewall.
    3. Connection encryption may be used is desired (FTP over TLS or FTPS)

Note: If you have not yet activated your Hosting, or if your Hosting activation has not yet propagated (i.e. ftp.yourdomainame.ca cannot be found), you may connect to your site by IP address. Please see your Hosting Welcome Email for the IP address in which to utilize.

  1. Upload the files and directories of your site to the httpdocs directory. If you use CGI scripts, place them in the cgi-bin directory.
  2. Close your FTP session.
Note: If errors are encountered while transferring files, please adjust your FTP client to utilize 6 or less simultaneous connections.

You can access information regarding your Hosting Package by browsing to the following, once logged into your Webnames.ca account:

  1. My Account > Manage > Web Hosting menu
  2. Click on your domain name

You can change your Hosting Control Panel and FTP account password from this tab.

You can also set up additional FTP accounts if you need to collaborate on website content with other users. For more information, see the section Adding FTP Accounts.

NOTE: For FTPS connections, ensure that your ftp client is configure to use the port range of 50200-50300 for secure connections.